German procedure
in the selection of personnel
The main stages of mass recruitment.
The difference between point recruitment and mass recruitment
Approximate reading time: 6 min

In modern business, recruitment plays an important role in the success of the company. There are different directions in the selection of personnel: point recruiting, mass recruiting and selection of top managers. In this article, we will focus on the features of mass recruiting, describe the difference between point and mass recruitment and consider in detail the stages of mass recruitment.
The difference between point and mass recruitment
Point recruitment is aimed at finding candidates for individual positions that require specialized skills and knowledge. The emphasis in point recruiting is on the competencies, the quality of candidates and the fit between the candidate and the company. The most important factor is the candidate's compliance with the requirements of a specific position. Point recruitment is about finding the one perfect candidate.

Mass recruitment, on the contrary, involves the search for employees for the same type of positions with the same functionality. In this case, the company needs to recruit from 10 employees or more. The emphasis in mass recruitment is on the timing and sufficiency of personnel. Usually, mass recruitment is used for line personnel, such as specialty workers, salespeople, call center employees, cashiers, and others. Mass recruiting is about continuously closing the same position again and again, just in different locations.
Stages of mass recruitment
  1. Application for selection: This stage begins with the formation of the need for new employees and the definition of requirements for them. The recruitment application must contain information about the current and expected vacancies, available work schedule and other selection criteria.
  2. Job placement: After collecting and analyzing the needs, the recruitment department places job ads on various platforms: job sites, social networks, forums and even in local newspapers. The more channels are used, the more candidates can be attracted, and the faster vacancies can be closed.
  3. Processing incoming responses: After posting vacancies, the company receives feedback from potential candidates. At this stage, it is necessary to filter out inappropriate resumes and leave only those candidates who meet the requirements of the vacancy.
  4. Appointment for an interview: after a telephone interview with the recruiter, the selected candidates are scheduled for an interview in the department/ location where the candidate is offered to work.
  5. Interview in the department: in the case of mass recruitment, the department can conduct both group interviews, which will reduce the time for selection and evaluate the communication skills of candidates and their ability to work in a team, and individual, paying attention to each candidate.
  6. Getting feedback on the interview results: after the interview, it is important for recruiters to get feedback from the departments on the candidates' profitability and the interview results for further analysis of the results. This helps to evaluate the effectiveness of sources, maintain the company's reputation among applicants and promptly close vacancies. Collecting this feedback is a very time-consuming part of a recruiters job.
  7. Further movement through the funnel in case of a successful interview: Candidates who have successfully passed the interview continue to move through the selection funnel. This may include a security check, trial days, or a medical examination.
  8. Registration and adaptation: After passing through all the stages of the funnel and the final decision on hiring, new employees are processed and begin their adaptation in the company. It is important to provide mechanisms that will help newcomers to join the team faster and master their work responsibilities.
Point and mass recruitment have their own characteristics and are applied depending on the company's tasks. Unlike point recruitment, mass recruiting involves recruiting many employees for the same type of positions and requires clearly defined stages for its effective implementation.

It is also important to remember that spot recruitment focuses on the competencies and quality of candidates, while mass recruitment prioritizes the timing and sufficiency of personnel.

The organization of an effective mass recruitment process includes the development of a clear strategy, the selection of the right channels for attracting candidates and constant analysis of the results. An important point is the interaction between recruiters and employees of the departments that are being recruited. Thanks to competent planning and organization, mass recruitment will become a successful tool for providing the company with high-quality and professional employees.
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